Monday, July 16, 2012

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Tan Ren Hao sent a squadron of fighter escort, fleet leaving only a squadron of air defense fighter.
Three aircraft carriers once again turned to windward sailing an aircraft fighter after another left the flight deck of aircraft carrier,oakley flak jacket sunglass, followed by 48 aircraft, respectively, mounted with 250 kg air penetrators, as well as torpedo bombers from the aircraft carrier deck catapult out. heavy bombers hung up ammunition, filled with fuel, must help catapult to take off, not mounted bomb fighter taxiing to take off without the use of the catapult.
The first wave of bomber fleet, led by Luo Jinming Colonel reached the waters of the report of the submarine, and did not immediately find the Japanese fleet Colonel immediately 12 fighters were divided into three batches, respectively, toward the north, north-west and Western search is now the distance submarine hair to intelligence had passed nearly two hours, if the Japanese fleet found the submarine of the Imperial Navy vessels, will certainly be the fastest out of this sea area. In this way, the Japanese fleet probably already tens of nautical miles addition to a 50 nautical miles in front of the air defense fighters, led by Luo Jinming about follow-up in the back of the bomber fleet, so he must be for the bombers to find the Japanese fleet.
Luo Jinming responsible for the search for a southwest direction, which is .50 nautical miles of the Japanese fleet the most likely heading for the cruise flight speed of 250 per hour fighter, which is ten minutes of flight. However, Luo Jinming only ten minutes to find the target.
The Luo Jinming is responsible for air surveillance, one to hear the sounds of the wingman,oakley womens sunglasses, he immediately look to the sea. Sure enough, in the northwest direction, weak below the clouds, more than twenty ships, 30 warships lined up a neat queue is sailing at maximum speed, where the three aircraft carrier fighter is off.
Luo Jinming the time they came to a very accurate air defense patrols in the implementation of the Japanese fleet over the 8 Hope members have been found close to the nfl fighter, three aircraft carriers also began to shift, so that more fighters to take off, but it was already too late.
Luojin Ming led the four food Sparrowhawk quickly dive from a height down, while those who are still climbing the shot down three opponents of the war Stresses the dive bombing, using hit and run tactics, never fight in the

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